*** ----> Evaluations help enhance the quality of government services | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Evaluations help enhance the quality of government services

The success of the Government Service Centers Evaluation Committee and its objectives will help to raise the quality of the government service centres and customer satisfaction level, a top official said. Committee Chairman Mohamed Ali AlQaed - Chief Executive of the Information & eGovernment Authority said the move ensures the continuous development of public services, enhances the user experience by improving procedures, as well as delivery of high-quality services according to international practices.

The effort, Ali AlQaed said, reflects the aspirations of the organisational committee chaired by His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad AlKhalifa - the Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander and First Deputy Prime Minister – and his vision. Mohamed Ali AlQaed was speaking during a ceremony held to honour the team members who took part in the evaluation process of the government service centres.

“Derasat, Civil Service Bureau, Education & Training Quality Authority, University of Bahrain and Silah Gulf all cooperated in providing employees to participate in the evaluation team,” said AlQaed during the ceremony held for completing the final evaluation of the centres.

The ceremony was held in the presence of Dr Shaikh Abdulla bin Ahmed Al Khalifa - Chairman of the Board of Trustees at the Bahrain Centre for Strategic, International & Energy Studies (Derasat), committee members and 30 attendees of the evaluation team. Team members received appreciation certificates.