*** ----> Bahrain Embassy work in Syria ‘on track’ | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain Embassy work in Syria ‘on track’

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has announced that the work at the Embassy of Bahrain in the Syrian Arab Republic is on track while adding that the embassy is carrying out its duties without any interruption.

In a statement issued yesterday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also affirmed “the Kingdom’s keenness on the continuity of its relations with the Syrian Arab Republic” and stressed the significance of enhancing and activating the Arab role in order to maintain Syria’s independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity and avert the hazards of regional interference in its internal affairs and progress.

In a related development, the United Arab Emirates reopened its embassy in Syria’s capital on Thursday for the first time in seven years. On Thursday afternoon, UAE’s charge d’affaires Abdul Hakim Naimi visited the embassy and witnessed his country’s flag being raised again on the compound in central Damascus. The UAE’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement that “the step confirms that the UAE government is keen to restore relations between the two brotherly countries back to normal”.