*** ----> BMMI donates BD12,700 to RIA Adult Centre | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

BMMI donates BD12,700 to RIA Adult Centre

BMMI recently donated BD12,700 to support the construction of the RIA Adult Centre, which will help differently abled individuals develop crucial life skills in parallel with work experience opportunities. The funds have also been utilised towards the purchase of a mini-bus to help in the transportation of those registered with the centre.

RIA was established in 1999 with the mission statement of ‘education for all’ and promotes community awareness, with a particular focus on persons with disabilities. The RIA Adult Centre (RAC) is the latest initiative by the institute and will provide a number of services, including work placements that ensure that students with special needs receive transferrable job skills that help them better integrate into the workforce.

RAC’s vision is to create a community where people with intellectual disabilities and their families can participate equally in the community and be valued in all aspects of society. The mission of the centre is to enable individuals with intellectual disabilities to have the opportunity to develop and utilise their potential and to contribute as an integral part of the community at all levels and across all segments.

BMMI has been a supporter of RIA for over a decade, and this latest donation will help ensure the security of the RAC project, as well as the mobility of the students. “We are honoured to support the RAC project, which will help differently abled individuals by providing the opportunity to develop and utilise their potential,” said BMMI’s Head of Corporate Communications and Marketing, Yasmine Mohamed.