*** ----> Ombudsman visits Jau rehab centre | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Ombudsman visits Jau rehab centre

A delegation led by Ombudsman, Head of the Prisoners and Detainees Rights Commission (PDRC) Nawa f Mo h a m m e d A l Maawda yesterday paid a visit to Jau Reform and Rehabilitation Centre, where student-inmates sit their end-of-first-semester exams. Present were supervisors from the Ministry of Education, accompanied by Lieutenant-Colonel Adnan Bahr, who is in charge of Jau Reform and Rehabilitation Centre.

The delegation was briefed about the measures undertaken by Jau Reform and Rehabilitation Centre enable student-inmates to sit their exams in proper conditions. Al Maawda commended the end-of-first-semester exams, being held at Jau Reform and Rehabilitation Centre, hailing student-inmates’ keenness on learning and wishing them success in their studies.