*** ----> Glittering worries! | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Glittering worries!

Unbelievable skills! How did they accomplish all of these? I always wanted to meet them for the excitement they would create in me. I always wanted to hug them, for the modus operandi they would deploy from time to time. I have no clue on their educational qualifications and the skills training they would have received. But for sure, they are men of brilliance.

Their lives are not easy as we think. They have to develop immense skills followed by months of training to complete their tasks successfully. They visited my house one Friday, about four years ago, when I went out for a drive to Zallaq with my family. They came, they saw and they conquered. They successfully broke into my house, grabbed gold worth BD5,000 and made off. Yes, the protagonists of my week’s column are none other than the smart burglars. My wife is still in a shock and my kids have embraced unlimited fear, but I am more perplexed.

I continue to wonder as to how they managed to enter our bedroom without breaking any locks? How did they know that gold was kept in that room? And lastly, how did they manage to get into a compound, which is supposed to be a highly-secured area, with CCTV cameras and surveillance systems and 24x7 security guards smiling at all those who pass by. Naturally, we decided to move to a ‘better and safer place’.

With over half a dozen cameras inside the compound and on the main entrance, the compound had the best security systems in place. Even a housefly would think twice before flying into the area. But the burglars scored again. This time they broke open the bedroom door and made off with all valuables there.

They had managed to enter the first floor without breaking any of the locks. And, fuelling my surprise or shock, the whole operation was carried out in broad daylight. The police teams instantly rushed to the scene and gathered all pieces of evidence, but as in the past, there was no success. As expected, we moved to another compound. And last week my neighbour’s villa was burgled. Perhaps, they would have guessed that there would not be anything to burgle, after making us victims twice.

The skills of burglars and their abilities are beyond any reckoning. They know the techniques to escape security cameras and gatemen. They perform their work with impeccable precision and accuracy. A good number of my friends are burglary victims, which has now forced me to wear Sherlock Homes’ cap. My investigations are only in the preliminary stages, but I can give you tips to secure from these burglars who possess razor-sharp brilliance. 

1. Never hire temporary housemaids as they could be secret agents to these burglars.

2. Never give house keys to housemaids or part-time domestic workers (they can easily make duplicate keys and pass it on to their burglar buddies).

3. Never leave keys on doors (using a bathing or washing soap, it’s an easy task to make a duplicate).

4. Never keep gold or other valuables at home, rely on bank lockers.

5. Realise that burglars are active during the daytime as well.

6. Frequently change your outing patterns

On New Year eve, enjoy shows by top artists in town, but do remember that there are bigger artists here ready to perform the moment you leave your homes. I wish you a ‘Burglary-Free’ 2019.