*** ----> 2018, a great year of achievements | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

2018, a great year of achievements

The Kingdom, under the leadership of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, is moving forward with utmost determination and confidence on the path of development that meets the aspirations of citizens in the present and future, HRH the Premier had affirmed, during one of the recent meetings with the senior government officials. His Royal Highness Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa has stressed that the development process being witnessed by the Kingdom is strong and promising and has the potential to enable it to continue with the same momentum and solid will, and to achieve more successes based on the efforts of the citizens of the Kingdom.

The Government, under the chairmanship of His Royal Highness the Prime Minister, took adequate care to create its Action Plan for the years 2015- 2018. The programme is realistic and measurable. It should not be far from an important principle that the government is committed to ensuring for citizens. Despite severe economic challenges experienced by many countries of the world, including the Kingdom, the government headed by His Royal Highness was able to surpass them successfully and this is confirmed by the figures and statistics, where the average achievement rate in the implementation of projects included in the programme of the government until November 2018 was about 90 per cent.

This includes projects financed by the Ministry of Finance and through GCC support, as well as development projects implemented by the private sector, which are part of the implementation of the Government’s Action Plan. The number of projects monitored by the electronic system has reached up to 748, of which 440 were important projects at the national level, implemented by ministries and government departments, according to statistics issued by the government. On the other hand, the number of completed national projects has amounted to 321 with 73pc and 119 projects under implementation at 27pc.

In the next two years according to the budgets approved, timetables will be followed up in the work programme of the next government, in addition to 308 administrative projects. HRH the Prime Minister’s efforts can be highlighted briefly in the continuous follow-up to the extent of progress in the implementation of projects, the inspection tours undertaken by senior officials to follow up the projects on the ground, the direct working meetings held by His Royal Highness the Prime Minister with the ministers and government agencies, and the swift reaction by His Royal Highness the Prime Minister to the media and social networking sites.

The Cabinet meeting held on December 25, 2018, reviewed 99 service projects directed by His Highness at a cost of BD154 million to meet the 318 requests raised by the people in the villages and regions in the provinces during field visits ordered by the ministers. HRH the Premier directed the rest of the projects, which cost BD55.5 million, to be included in the next budget cycles.

The high percentage achieved by the Government under the leadership of His Royal Highness the Prime Minister in the implementation of the projects included in the Government’s Action Plan for the years 2014- 2018 confirms the success of the Bahraini Government in achieving national goals that meet the aspirations of the country and the citizens.