*** ----> Space sector awareness programmes on the anvil | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Space sector awareness programmes on the anvil

As part of the National Space Agency (NSA)’s knowledge conveyance programmes and concerted efforts to raise awareness about the importance of the space sector, the NSA is organising a training course for relevant governmental and higher educational institutions. The course will take place under the patronage of Transportation and Telecommunications Minister Kamal Ahmed, in collaboration with one of the leading international firms in this field.

The CEO of the National Space Agency, Dr Mohammed Ibrahim Al Aseeri, said that the NSA Strategic Plan 2019-2023 launched a series of initiatives to achieve its objectives including national capacity-building in the space field in general and “knowledge transfer” in particular. He added that the NSA aims to enable the concerned departments to achieve the ideal utilisation of space images and data provided by the NSA.

The agency invited the relevant departments to nominate their representatives to join this training course which begins tomorrow and will continue for several days, he said. The course aims to familiarise the participants with latest technologies and programmes used in space-related data and image analysis to covert them into usable data for their work field and link them with the various projects and services rendered by these departments, according to NSA chief executive.

Dr Al Aseeri said the course will qualify the participants to present the views of their nominating departments regarding the space-related data suitable for their work field to fulfil their aspirations so that the Agency will lead the efforts to achieve its diversified projects. He asserted the importance of the space sciences in order to achieve the comprehensive development goals of countries via boosting the scientific research and supporting creativity and innovation.

He praised the close co-operation between the NSA and the University of Bahrain (UoB), the Arabian Gulf University (AGU), and Bahrain Polytechnic (BP) as well as with regional, Arab and international specialised research centres and space agencies. The UAE Space Agency has helping Bahrain to boost its space programme.

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