*** ----> Bakery in Askar closed down for violating health standards | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bakery in Askar closed down for violating health standards

An unlicensed bakery, which was being run in an unhygienic environment, was closed down yesterday by the authorities.

The bakery located in Askar, in the Southern Governorate, was closed down as it did not posses the required licences to be operational along with violating health standards.

Sources said the bakery was really in a bad shape and it was being run in an unhygienic manner. Authorities raided the shop and found that the health and safety standards were not followed.

The raid was conducted by the Ministry of Health in co-ordination with the Southern Governorate and Public Prosecution.

Prior to the raid, the bakery had come under scrutiny after a video clip showing unhygienic practices there went viral.

No complaints of food poisoning are known to have been filed against the bakery.

According to sources, the building which housed the bakery, was also providing accommodation to a large number of workers. The Ministry of Heath confirmed the raid in a statement issued yesterday.

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