*** Suspects are prosecuted based on their crimes: Ministry | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Suspects are prosecuted based on their crimes: Ministry

Referring to the reports of the arrest of terrorists with links to a fugitive, the General Directorate of Criminal Investigation and Forensic Science yesterday made clear that they were convicted after taking legal actions.  Suspects, the Ministry said, are prosecuted based on their crime and not on the basis of their family’s personal relations. 

The three convicts whose names were mentioned in the media based on their links to fugitive convict Ahmed Al-Wadaei are Hajer Mansoor Ali, 51. She is serving a three-year jail term for planting a fake bomb to create terror among citizens and residents and for disturbing security and general order.

Mahmood Marzooq Hassan Ali, 32. He is also serving a three-year jail term for planting a fake bomb to create terror among citizens and residents and for disturbing security and general order. Nazar Naama Baqer Al-Wadaei, 21. He is serving a 10-year jail term for a case of arson and the making and possession of bombs.