*** Pakistan School celebrates 50 successful years of excellence | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Pakistan School celebrates 50 successful years of excellence

Pakistan school celebrated completing 50 successful years by holding an elaborate ceremony at its school grounds in Isa Town on 28 December 2018. Afzaal Mahmood, the Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan was the chief guest of the event which kicked off at 3.30pm.

Bahraini parliamentarians Dr Sawsan M. Kamal, Basem Abdullah Almujadami, Khalid Saleh Ahmed buanaq, Muhammad Alseesi Al by Ainain and Isa Al Qazi were the guests of honour. Parliamentarians Mohd Al Sisi al Bu Ainain, Khalid Saleh bu Anq, Dr. Susan Kamal and Isa Al Qadhi, Mal Allah Shaheen, Member municipal council Isa Town and Mohammad Bassem al Majdami were also present.

Afzaal Mahmood, the Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, congratulated the school administration, teachers and students for their role in the great heights scaled by the school. Medals were awarded to the position holders of Board Exams and students of Junior and middle sections who excelled in final exams.

Certificates of appreciation were distributed among all the faculty and admin staff of Isa Town and Manama schools in recognition of their services. Selected staff members were awarded shields and appreciation certificates for their exemplary performances. Various cultural programmes were held during the event.