*** ----> Record drug haul seized | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Record drug haul seized

The Royal Australian Navy (RAN) frigate HMAS Ballarat seized and destroyed 3,100 kg of illegal hashish during a boarding operation. Operating under the direction of Combined Task Force (CTF) 150, this is the sixth seizure that has taken place since the current Canadian Armed Forces led team took command of the Task Force in December last year.

Commanding Officer of HMAS Ballarat, Commander Paul Johnson, said the boarding team conducted the night-time boarding professionally, discovering the narcotics hidden in void spaces around the vessel. “The seizure is a reflection of the continued trade in illegal narcotics that has the potential to fund terrorist groups across the region.”

Commodore Darren Garnier, Royal Canadian Navy, Commander CTF 150 said: “CTF 150 is starting the new year strong with another seizure of illegal drugs. As we mark our sixth seizure in six weeks, our successes demonstrate the value of the coordinated efforts of the Combined Maritime Forces (CMF) coalition international naval partnership. “As a team, we are actively disrupting the use of the high seas by terrorist organisations and denying them freedom of action in order to promote maritime stability and prosperity in the region.”

The Canadian-led CTF 150 Task Force, supported by RAN personnel, have been successful in intercepting illegal drugs in the area, known as the Hash Highway.