*** ----> Fake doc cheats bank to buy car, sentenced | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Fake doc cheats bank to buy car, sentenced

A fake doctor who deceived a bank to obtain loans for a car purchase was handed down 10 years of imprisonment by the First High Criminal Court yesterday. According to court details, the accused, an Arab national, teamed up with another man (the second accused) to forge papers showing that he was a doctor and was employed by a leading hospital in the Kingdom.

Public Prosecutors said that the accused approached the bank’s manager and requested him for a loan to buy a Land Cruiser. “He said he was working as a doctor with a leading hospital at a salary of BD3,000 a month. He also produced ‘all relevant papers to obtain the loans’.”

The man successfully deceived the bank staff and bought a Land Cruiser, which he drove to Jordan and sold there with the help of the second accused. A few months after issuing the loans, the bank staff realised that they were cheated as the hospital confirmed that it has never employed the accused.