*** Bahraini sentenced for forging maid recruitment application loses appeal | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahraini sentenced for forging maid recruitment application loses appeal

The First High Criminal Appellate Court has upheld the sentence handed down to a 62-year-old Bahraini convicted of forging application to recruit housemaid.

The convict was sentenced to three years in jail along with a fine of BD200. According to Public Prosecution, the man had already recruited one maid and was ineligible to recruit another.

“The financial condition of the accused was also not in his favour as he had debts in the excess of BD40,000. He also had no proper sources of income.”

The fraud was revealed when one of the officials at the concerned department became suspicious and verified the application. “Upon proper verification, it was found that the accused had forged the application with the help of another Bahraini.”