*** ----> Leading energy conference puts spotlight on building green cities | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Leading energy conference puts spotlight on building green cities

Electricity and Water Affairs Minister Dr Abdulhussain Mirza, inaugurated the Third International Conference on Renewable Energy under the theme “Green Cities, Sustainable Buildings and Renewable Energy”. More than 150 participants from industrial companies and government bodies in Bahrain took part in the conference organised by the Kingdom University in cooperation with the International Renewable Energy Network (WREN).

Dr Mirza presented a comprehensive overview of the achievements of renewable energy and energy efficiency in Bahrain. The minister elaborated on the national goals adopted by the government to achieve specific rates of renewable energy and energy efficiency by 2025 and the formation of a national committee in following up and implementing the National Renewable Energy Plan and the National Plan for Energy Efficiency.

It is expected that the implementation of the two plans will lead to the saving of about BD260 million by 2025. The minister also spoke about the net metering system, which allows individuals and organisations to install solar systems at their homes and facilities at their expense, to benefit from the energy produced to meet part of their need for electricity consumption, and to pump the surplus of solar energy production in the government network and get paid for it.