*** ----> Support proposal for small traders | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Support proposal for small traders

The Cabinet yesterday chaired by His Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa gave directives to the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism to devise, in co-operation with the Bahrain Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI), a work plan to support small traders.

HRH the Premier stressed that the action plan should be implemented in accordance with a well-thought-out time frame and goals based on the needs and visions of the beneficiaries. Among other things, HRH the Prime Minister gave instructions to intensify the inspection campaigns on markets and commercial outlets, stressing the importance of continuing to follow up on the prices of commodities and consumer goods and to ensure that there is no manipulation or illegal commercial practices that affect the consumers.

The Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism Ministry was requested to submit a report on the inspection campaigns. HRH Premier gave directives to develop an action plan to expedite the employment of jobless university graduates, and to rehabilitate and integrate those specialised in academic disciplines that do not match the requirements of the local labour market.

The Premier’s directives are in line with the government’s keenness to pave the way for such category of graduates to contribute to the nation-building process, on the hand, and to keep the unemployment rate at secure natural levels, on the other.

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