*** ----> Chinese trader jailed in bribery bid case | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Chinese trader jailed in bribery bid case

The Fifth Minor Criminal Court yesterday sentenced a Chinese trader to one-year imprisonment along with a fine of BD500 fine for trying to bribe an officer working with the Customs Department. The accused wanted counterfeited goods that belonged to him, get released at the airport, according to Prosecutors.

He was instantly detained at the airport and was referred to Public Prosecution for trial. The officer, who works with the Customs Department at the Bahrain International Airport, testified before the Public Prosecution that the defendant offered him BD500 in bribe to clear the goods. 

The officer told the investigators that he had ignored the man and walked away from him, but the defendant offered the same to an employee of the Standards and Metrology Directorate, who alerted the Anti-Corruption Directorate. 

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