*** ----> Bahraini woman who filed ‘fake kidnap complaint’ fined BD 100 | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahraini woman who filed ‘fake kidnap complaint’ fined BD 100

A woman who attempted to trap her ex-boyfriend’s relatives in a kidnap case has had her jail sentence replaced with a BD100 fine. The details of the case show that the defendant had several disagreements with her ex-boyfriend’s brother and his wife, who would frequently convince him to annul the relationship.

According to prosecutors, the defendant then decided to settle scores with ex-boyfriend’s family, primarily her ex-fiance's brother, as she believed he was the main reason why the breakup happened.  She lodged a complaint with the police claiming that she was kidnapped by four masked men, who she allegedly took her to Buhair area in Riffa.

The woman told the police that one of the men in the mask was her ex-boyfriend’s brother. When asked if she was assaulted or harassed by any of the alleged kidnappers, the woman denied and told the police that she was released in Buhair area.  Further investigations proved that the woman lied in her statements as she wasn’t able to answer certain questions during the interrogation.

When cornered, she confessed that the accusation was false and that she made the story up to take revenge against her ex-boyfriend’s brother.

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