*** ----> NMS grabs 283 gold medals in WSC | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

NMS grabs 283 gold medals in WSC

The New Millennium School-DPS has won 283 gold medals in the regional round of the World Scholar’s Cup (WSC) held on February 8 and 9. In addition to the gold medals the students won 301 silver medals, 3 mementoes and 1 trophy in different categories. 150 scholars participated in 50 different teams representing NMS.

Ananya Santosh Kumar Nair of grade VIII was honoured as the Island Top Scholar, School Top Scholar and the Highest Scorer in Subject Challenge (History). Akshat Pradeep Kumar was the highest scorer in the Scholar’s Challenge. The Team comprising of Ananya Santosh Kumar Nair, Akshat Pradeep Kumar and Meryl Liza Manu, was honoured as the overall 2nd Top Champion team, 6thin Scholar’s bowl, 2nd in Team Writing, 4th in Team Debate and 3rd in the Challenge Round.

Samiya Shakeel Shaikh, was the winner of the Debate Showcase. Most of the participating teams, qualified for participation in the Global Round to be held at, The Hague – Amsterdam from the 21st to 26th July. Chairman Dr. Ravi Pillai, the Managing Director Geetha Pillai and the Principal Arun Kuumar Sharma and Staff congratulated the students, parents and the mentors for this laudable achievement.

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