*** ----> Premier orders to address issues faced by small-scale businesses | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Premier orders to address issues faced by small-scale businesses

His Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa has directed to study the implementation of the recommendations of the joint study which he ordered recently to assess the needs of small traders and remove obstacles to them to face various challenges.

HRH the Premier tasked Deputy Prime Minister Shaikh Ali bin Khalifa Al Khalifa to follow up on the implementation of the recommendations with relevant ministries and government bodies. This came as HRH the Prime Minister received at Gudaibiya Palace yesterday Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism Zayed Al Zayani, Bahrain Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) Board Chairman Samir Abdullah Nass and members.

They submitted to him the results of the joint study which yielded many recommendations in tune with the directives of HRH the Premier to work out a feasible action plan to support small traders according to a well-defined programme. A joint task force was formed to determine the needs of small traders to handle various challenges which were classified as part of the results of the study submitted to HRH the Prime Minister.

HRH the Premier asserted that the small and medium companies sector is one of the pillars of the national economy given its capability to invigorate the economic movement and provide more job opportunities for citizens. He said the government accords this sector great importance and is continuously working on reviewing and upgrading laws to enable it to perform its role in serving the national economy in a climate of openness and competitiveness.

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