*** Young scientists showcase inventions at green innovation contest | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Young scientists showcase inventions at green innovation contest

A team of three university students from Lebanon emerged first at the Innovate Green Competition organized by the UN Environment West Asia Office for coming up with a bio-based material that could replace petroleum-based plastic materials. The bio-based material will offer similar properties needed in protective packaging, thermal insulation, acoustic applications, water and fire tolerance, according to young scientists, who bagged $10,000 in prize money.

“The material is 100 percent renewable, biodegradable and customizable.” The second place went to a team from Egypt for developing a concept, which uses wood and plastic waste to develop a state-of-the-art wood-plastic composite with superior properties that enables it to be utilized in various applications.

“The new material is a recycled translucent wood-plastic composite, with superior optical and mechanical properties. “The sheets have a remarkable potential to be used in several industries ranging from construction to solar energy and can replace other plastic sheets, such as acrylic and polycarbonate sheets,” the Egyptian team, who contested under the name Backbenchers, said.

Meanwhile, the third prize went to a Saudi team for putting forward a concept that uses an Underwater Compressed Air Energy Storage System (UCAES) for excess energy storage. 

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