*** ----> Virtual Reality set to change the game in Bahrain’s job market | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Virtual Reality set to change the game in Bahrain’s job market

A specialized training and development company in Bahrain, NGN Centre, announced plans to boost Kingdom’s contribution to the global multi-billion-dollar virtual reality (VR) industry with its newly launched VR programme. The four-month programme will focus on the training and development to provide opportunities for Bahraini graduates who are seeking high profile jobs in Media and PR agencies, engineering offices, property development companies and the industrial sector.

This programme, the centre said, also helps business owners to meet qualified Bahrainis in virtual reality. “This is in line with our efforts to enhance Bahrainis’ calibre of skills, so they may establish their own projects, provide quality VR content to the market and the modern economy,” Chief Executive of NGN, Yaqoob Al Awadhi told Tribune.

“The training programme will be divided into classroom training and on-the-job training, held over two months each. The classroom training will be held at the East Tower of the World Trade Centre, while the remaining will be on-job training during which candidates will be engaged in projects related to the field.”