*** ----> Trump slams ‘fabricated’ testimony in Mueller report | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Trump slams ‘fabricated’ testimony in Mueller report

US President Donald Trump yesterday dismissed unfavorable testimony in the Mueller report on Russian election interference as “fabricated” and labeled the document “crazy.”

“Statements are made about me by certain people in the Crazy Mueller Report, in itself written by 18 Angry Democrat Trump Haters, which are fabricated & totally untrue,” the president tweeted.

A 400-page document outlining the findings of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s 22-month investigation, made public on Thursday, cleared Trump of criminal conspiracy but left open whether he had obstructed justice. Mueller’s report recounts 10 episodes involving the president and potential obstruction of the investigation.

After reviewing the document, Attorney General Bill Barr and his deputy Rod Rosenstein concluded there was insufficient evidence to charge the president with obstruction. Mueller, however, noted that while he was following Justice Department policy in not charging Trump, the evidence he gathered “does not exonerate” the Republican president.

Trump initially celebrated the publication of the report -- which landed as the United States dives into the ferment of a bitter presidential campaign -- saying at the White House that he was “having a good day.” But he was in a more defensive mood yesterday, as he prepared for a long Easter weekend at his Florida golf resort, insisting that he had done nothing wrong.

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