*** ----> Terror convicts lose appeal | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Terror convicts lose appeal

The High Criminal Court of Appeal has upheld the seven-year imprisonment sentences issued against four Bahraini men found guilty of manufacturing and storing explosives inside an abandoned house in Buquwa village in the Northern Governorate.  The defendants were also fined BD500 each.

Court files showed that three defendants were initially arrested in 2012 after their fingerprints and traces of their DNA were found at an abandoned house in Buquwa, where quantities of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), Molotov cocktails and other materials used in rioting and attacks against security forces were found.

According to reports issued by the Public Prosecution, a total of 12 Molotov cocktails that are ready to be used, nine containers of petrol used in making Molotov cocktails and other explosives, fire tear gas bombs, three local-made grenades, iron rods, projectiles, and other materials were found in the abandoned building. 

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