*** ----> IISS conference throws spotlight on cyber security | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

IISS conference throws spotlight on cyber security

Leading experts on cyber security took part in a conference held under the banner ‘Improving Government and Commercial Cyber Security’ at The International Institute for Strategic Studies headquarters in Manama. The speakers highlighted key issues faced by the cyber world and how state actors are threatening to disrupt the critical national infrastructure of other states; gas and oil companies, electric grids, power plants, core communications, and financial services.

In addition to discussing threats from non-state actors, including the high volume and often indiscriminate cyber-criminal activity that costs national economies billions every year, the conference also highlighted as to how the governments and companies need to respond, looking to implement cybersecurity into their work, businesses, and products. Speaking at the forum, cyber expert Marcus Willet said: “The biggest thing that any state can do is to understand the threat and share information about the threat to make sure that the information is shared between the public as well as the private sector. 

“One of the most important things a nation can do is help call out actors like Iran when they do stuff on other individuals networks. Moreover, any nation has to plan ahead of a possibility and further segregate data along with preventing how the most sensitive data is being accessed and with minimizing the risk while planning for an eventuality when it happens.”

Speaking to Tribune, IISS Senior Adviser for Cyber and Chair Lt Gen (Retd) Sir Tom Becket, said that the event focused on exposing ideas of cyber threats to thinking public and then going on to the better understanding of cyber terrorism by state and non-state actors. 

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