*** ----> ‘Zero tolerance towards radical ideologies’ | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

‘Zero tolerance towards radical ideologies’

Bahrain has been known as a vanguard of multi-cultural society over the years with complete freedom of worship to people belonging to various faiths, sects and creeds, Brigadier Shaikh Hamad bin Mohammed Al Khalifa Assistant Chief of Public Security for Operations and Training Affairs, said.

Shaikh Hamad, who was one the speakers at the Second Derasat Forum, told Bahrain News Agency that Bahrain does not allow or tolerate any extremist views to be imposed or dictated by anyone. “Bahrain is a peaceful country, and everybody lives here in complete freedom.

They practice their religion and worship according to their faith without any fear,” Shaikh Hamad said. “Everyone is welcome in Bahrain and we assure freedom of religion. As for radicalization, it is a global issue that has no religion or nationality.  “We are ready to counter any threat and fight back by unity, education and preventing our youth from going into wrong directions. “As for us, the Ministry of Interior, we work with all our partners to prevent our youth from falling prey to extreme ideas. It is a joint effort based on the cooperation of each one in our society to play their role.”

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