*** Woman who stabbed fellow maid ‘mentally unfit’ | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Woman who stabbed fellow maid ‘mentally unfit’

The Asian maid who stabbed a fellow domestic servant, working under the same sponsor, eight times, was found to be mentally ill, a  psychological report confirmed. The same report also revealed that she wasn’t responsible for her actions and advised for her to be deported from Bahrain at the earliest.

The woman was arrested after attacking her colleague with a knife and court files suggested that the event happened because of jealousy.  According to court files, the victim was receiving better treatment from the sponsor because of her loyalty and commitment in her work, as a result of which the accused attacked her.

The accused had told prosecutors that she attacked the woman while she was performing her Fajr prayer in a jealous rage, while a family member provided further details of the attack.   “We found the maid lying in a pool of blood after we heard loud screams coming out from the domestic servants’ room,” the family member revealed to the Public Prosecution. Moreover, the head of the family described the accused woman as lazy as he testified before the Public Prosecution. 

“She wasn’t working hard and she would sleep until the afternoon. The victim, on the other hand, was putting great efforts into her work. We used to share our impression about both of them in front them,” he explained.  As per the court files, the accused woman hurt herself in an effort to manipulate the investigation into the case to show that she acted in self-defense. 

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