*** ----> ‘I want to go home alive, not in coffin’ | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

‘I want to go home alive, not in coffin’

An 80-year-old expatriate stranded in the Kingdom after being allegedly trapped in court cases by loan sharks is pleading with social workers and community members to help him fly back home.

Nalarajan, who hails from the Indian state of Kerala, was once a thriving businessman in the Kingdom. He owned a bakery in West Eker, which had a flourishing business. “About a decade ago, I suffered losses in my business and had to borrow money from some people here to overcome those losses. They charged heavy interest on me, which eventually I failed to pay off,” the octogenarian, who suffers from various age-related health issues, told Tribune.

Sources said Nalarajan owes nearly BD40,000 to different lenders. “I lost nearly BD200,000 in my business. Now I am surviving on BD30 grant provided to me by the Indian Embassy. As of now, a group of generous individuals is taking care of Nalarajan at their place of stay.

“I have only one dream now, to go home alive. I am really worried about breathing my last here without seeing my wife and children.” A few months ago, Nalarajan suffered a stroke and underwent treatment at Salmaniya Medical Complex. He also suffers from diabetes, hypertension and impaired vision. 

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