*** ----> HM King calls for strengthening media cooperation | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

HM King calls for strengthening media cooperation

His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa yesterday called for moves to strengthen the national front by deepening the international partnership and enhancing cooperation among media, educational, cultural, religious and human rights institutions.

“This is necessary amid the ongoing regional and global upheavals, increasing attempts to fuel sedition, sow division and incite hatred, enmity and terrorism,” said HM the King adding: “Especially in light of the current digital era and rapidly growing social media networks.”

HM the King was speaking on the occasion of World Press Freedom Day and 80 years since the issuance of the first newspaper in Bahrain. HM the King stressed that the Bahraini national media has throughout its long history, promoted noble principles, raised awareness and played its cultural and cognitive enlightenment role.

“It is a source of pride that our celebrations of this international event, this year themed “Media for Democracy: Journalism and Elections in Times of Disinformation” coincide with the success of the Kingdom’s democratic march to a new phase of progress,” HM the King said. HM King Hamad affirmed that the national media has proved its outstanding ability in supporting the reform and modernisation process and pushing the nation-building and sustainable development march forward.

“We extend our thanks and appreciation to the Ministry of Information Affairs and all its affiliates for the efforts they are exerting to develop the sector.” HM the King further expressed his pride in women’s participation in the media work. “We strongly believe that journalists and media personnel are the cornerstone for building and promoting a democratic society in which security, peace and justice prevail,” HM the King said.