*** ----> Drivers warned against traffic violations | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Drivers warned against traffic violations

Traffic General Director Shaikh Abdulrahman bin Abdulwahab Al Khalifa has urged drivers to adhere to traffic rules and regulations and avoid violations during the holy month of Ramadan, including wrong parking near mosques as well as obstructing traffic. In a statement, Shaikh Abdulrahman stressed the significance of avoiding violations such as increasing speed and jumping red lights, especially before Iftar when people break their fast.

He also warned against lack of attention while driving, not keeping to the right lane and changing lanes without signaling. The use of mobile phones during driving is strictly prohibited, he added. Shaikh Abdulrahman said that the number of traffic patrols would be intensified during the holy month, mainly on major highways and intersections, near commercial avenues and shopping complexes where traffic is usually heavy.

The police will also monitor traffic on King Fahad Causeway, the terrestrial link between Bahrain and Saudi Arabia, mainly in the evening to ensure smooth flow of vehicles and full adherence to the rules by all drivers, he added. The Ministry of Interior has been urging citizens and residents to be careful on roads and avoid violations. “The General Directorate considers traffic violations as an uncivilized practice that could cause traffic accidents and jams.” 

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