*** ----> Ramadan aid to 4,000 families | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Ramadan aid to 4,000 families

Aid has been distributed to more than 4,000 needy families from 73 different areas in the country, it was announced. This came as the Bahrain Red Crescent Society (BRCS) completed a pre-Ramadan aid distribution drive.

The society worked for 17 days in a stretch towards making the drive a big success, its officials said. BRCS General Director Mubarak Al Hadi revealed that 4,138 families received the society’s Ramadan aid. He said that the drive comes as part of the society’s keenness to “reach the actual needy and help them to preserve their humanity and dignity”.

“We are proud of our volunteers for their considerable efforts for 17 days long, receiving families, making sure their names are matched to the society’s lists, handing in their aids and other procedural processes including organizing traffic outside the society,” Mr. Al Hadi said.

The General Director also thanked companies, institutions, citizens and residents of the Kingdom for their donations to support the society and help needy families in Bahrain.

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