*** Family in dire straits | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Family in dire straits

While Muslims all around the globe are celebrating the start of Ramadan, the advent of the Holy Month has brought further misery to the family of Faizal, who haven’t received any salary for the past four months.

Faizal, his heavily pregnant wife, and their four-year-old daughter, according to a prominent social worker, are victims of ‘gross injustice.” The social worker, who asked not to be named, told Tribune: “It is a violation that the rights organizations need to look at.” Faizal said problems began with his wife losing her job, as her employer was not ready to accept a pregnant woman in his office. She worked for two months at the company.

The employer, Faizal said, “Asked her to resign and also manipulated her into signing some papers which stated that she was leaving willingly” after she told the employer that she is pregnant. Faizal claimed that she was also not paid properly. “Her salary as per contract was BD400 per month but she only received BD90 so far.” “He even filed a complaint against her based on false claims.”  

Faizal said that his situation is equally worse, although he still has a job. “But I haven’t received salary for the last four months,” Faizal said adding that the company he works is struggling financially.  “My wife lost her job and I am no longer getting paid because my company is doing badly financially and I have lost all hope in them,” he said pointing out that they have very little money left with them to buy food and medicines. Faizal said he is running out of savings. 

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