*** US calls for collaborative effort in GCC against Iran | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

US calls for collaborative effort in GCC against Iran

The US has called for a collaborative effort in GCC to fight terrorist organization and to counter Iran-backed terrorism around the world. A telephonic press briefing was held from the US European Media Hub in Brussels to discuss the US intent to designate the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), including its Qods Force, as a Foreign Terrorist Organisation (FTO) under section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act. 

The speakers Brian Hook, US Special Representative for Iran and Senior Policy Advisor to the Secretary of State, and Ambassador-at-Large Nathan Sales, Coordinator for Counterterrorism at the State Department focused and discussed on the US designation of IRGC, as a foreign terrorist organisation and called for a collaborative effort from all GCC countries to reject organisations that foster terrorism. 

Speaking to the press, Ambassador-at-Large Nathan Sales, Coordinator for Counterterrorism at the State Department stated, “There’s no question that Iran acting through its IRGC is a threat to those countries in the region. That’s one of the principal reasons why the Secretary has decided to designate the IRGC as a foreign terrorist organization. Doing so enables us to more aggressively cut off the flow of money into the IRGC’s coffers.” “This designation allows us to do is increase the financial pressure on the IRGC and deprive it of resources.”  

“It’s now a lot riskier to do business with Iran as the IRGC has permeated all aspects of the Iranian economy.  It operates front companies around the world.  It’s now a federal crime to provide material support to the IRGC.” “So any company that is considering doing business with Iran should take very seriously the risk that in so doing it will be providing material support to the IRGC and potentially incurring federal criminal liability.

In addition, there are immigration consequences to this designation.  People who provide material support or resources to the IRGC will no longer be admissible to the United States.” “We’ll be able to keep them out of our country, stop them from coming here to raise money for the IRGC or to commit other malign acts while here in the United States.”

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