*** Man jailed after sneaking into house | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Man jailed after sneaking into house

The Lower Criminal Court sentenced an Asian man to two months behind bars for sneaking into a house under the influence of alcohol. According to court, the suspect was in an inebriated condition and managed to slip into a house illegally to answer nature’s call.

However, his adventure soon turned out into a nightmare when the owner of the house alerted the police. “I saw him near the kitchen and asked him why he was there. He told me that he was searching for the toilet. It was obvious that he was under the influence of alcohol,” the owner of the house told prosecutors, adding: “I directly took him to police.”

 The suspect, during interrogation, confessed that he was acting under the influence of alcohol he got from a local hotel, before heading to Budaiya. “I needed a toilet and saw the house. So I directly entered it,” he said during questioning. The defendant was accused of entering a house without permission. He will be deported after completes his jail term.