Budget approved

A restructured 2019-2020 national budget was approved by the Shura Council members yesterday during its weekly session. The restructured budget was unanimously approved by all of the 37 members present during the session. The approval came after holding two-months of discussions over the budget.

Shura Council member Dr. Jihad al-Fadhel said that the consensus was achieved after holding long deliberations on preserving the progress of the economy and cutting deficit. “The approved budget keeps citizens on top of its priority and does not cut funding to any integral social support activities,” Al Fadhel said.  

The primary aim, Shura Council Second Deputy chairman Hala Ramzi said, was bringing down the deficit keeping in mind the future generations. “It is our priority to ensure that the future generations are not burdened with debts.” In a statement yesterday, the Shura Council lauded the strong national unity, solidarity, and cohesion between the leadership and the people under the leadership of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa. 

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