*** ----> ‘Well deserved honour’ | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

‘Well deserved honour’

The Cabinet yesterday lauded the honouring of HRH the Prime Minister as a “World Leader” in health by World Health Organisation as a “well-deserved international honouring” in recognition of the Premier’s great accomplishments.

Deputy Premier, HH Shaikh Mohammed bin Mubarak Al Khalifa, extended, on behalf of the session, sincere congratulations to HRH Premier, citing the development of the health system in line with the goals of WHO, and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs 2030).

His Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa chaired the regular weekly Cabinet session at the Gudaibiya Palace.  Moving on, the Cabinet extended congratulations to the Representatives and Shura Councils for their “constructive and fruitful” cooperation, marking the issuance of a Royal Order adjourning the first session of the Fifth Legislative Term.  

The Cabinet affirmed the Kingdom’s firm support to the brotherly Palestinian people and keenness to creating opportunities to improve their conditions and achieve their aspirations for an independent state.  

The session underscored Bahrain’s backing to all initiatives aimed at boosting infrastructural development in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, citing the “Peace to Prosperity” workshop to be hosted by Bahrain in partnership with the United States of America.

Ensure services

HRH Premier gave directives to ensure sufficient services at new towns while reviewing the progress of Khalifa Town’s health centre project. The Premier gave directives to begin work in the project in September and instructed the Ministry of Health to set up health clinics at the Khalifa Town temporarily.   The 17,000-square-metre Khalifa Town’s Health Centre Project includes 12 clinics for doctors, six dental clinics, as well as pharmacy, radiology, laboratory, emergency, physiotherapy, childcare and maternity departments, in addition to parking for 270 cars.

Emergency summits  

The Cabinet welcomed calls of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud, to hold an extraordinary summit for the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) leaders and another for Arab leaders, in addition to that of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation in Mecca. HRH Premier stressed that the wise call by King Salman reflects his keenness on GCC and Arab consultation and coordination amid the current challenges.

Mohammed bin Mubarak Academy hailed

 HRH Premier lauded the directives of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa to turn the Foreign Affairs Ministry’s Diplomatic Institute into a specialised Academy for Diplomatic Studies, carrying the name of HH Shaikh Mohammed bin Mubarak Al Khalifa.  The session endorsed a draft-decree, submitted by the Foreign Affairs Minister, on establishing the “Mohammed bin Mubarak Al Khalifa’s Academy for Diplomatic Studies”.

Assistance for clubs  

The Cabinet approved a draftedict on extraordinary assistance requests for Bahraini clubs for participating in external sporting events.  The bill aims to regulate the mechanisms of making requests for extraordinary assistance for clubs through setting up a specialised committee.  The session approved the bill for which a draft-edict will be issued by the Minister of Youth and Sports Affairs.

Bahraini-Saudi Council  

The Cabinet endorsed the minutes of the establishment of a Bahraini-Saudi Coordination Council and mandated the Foreign Affairs Minister to sign them on behalf of the Kingdom.  The Council aims to enhance consultation and coordination between the two brotherly countries in matters of mutual interest and in the economic, political, investment and military fields.


The session referred a draftlaw on amending some provisions of Decree-Law 18/1997 on regulating the pharmaceutical professions and pharmaceutical centres to the Council of Representatives, along with a memorandum explaining the government’s opinion on it.

Replacing foreign workers

The Cabinet approved a proposal on training and rehabilitating Bahraini workers in the public sector to replace foreign workers.

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