*** Falah rolls daily high while Abdulla goes top at Funland | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Falah rolls daily high while Abdulla goes top at Funland

Star Bahraini bowlers Yousef Falah and Fawaz Abdulla shook things up Friday night on the latest day of qualifying in the 2019 edition of The Godfathers Tournament, currently being played at Funlad Centre. Only four days remain (from Sunday, May 26) in the qualification stage and the participating bowlers are now feverishly jostling for position as they look to make it through to the ensuing rounds.

The competition is being held in memory of the late Murtadha Qudrat Rasti and the late Shaikh Ebrahim bin Mohammed Al Khalifa. Falah scored the daily high series of 758 while Abdulla rose to the top of the standings in Group A amongst the tournament’s elite bowlers. Both players also rolled near-perfect games of 298 pins in the process. Falah’s 758 trial was his best of the competition to date and it was also the highest score of any bowler taking part. His other top series were 675 and 651, earning him an average of 231.6 pins per game from a 2,084 total which was good enough to claim fifth on the division standings.

Abdulla, meanwhile, bowled a 726 score, one pin better than his previous top trial and adding to his other leading score of 706. His latest series allowed him to improve his average to 239.7 pins per game with a 2,157 total, pushing him to the top of the Group A standings.

Abdulla displaced former leader Abdulla Abdulkarim who had a 238.6 average and 2,147 total, just 10 pins behind the new pacesetter. Dante Tisdom of the USA went to third place with marks of 236.4 and 2,128. Emerson Gotencio was ranked fourth just ahead of Falah, while Mohammed Al Mannai was sixth, Ahmed Fareed seventh ad Ahmed Almalki eighth. Completing the top 12 were Abdullah Aldulaijan, Ahmed Algaoud, Ahmed Alkhaja and JM Villanueva.

 Also on Friday night, Ali Abdulla and Hisham Mohammed rolled the high series in their respective groups. In Group B featuring intermediate bowlers, Ali Abdulla enjoyed a 709 trial to post his best outing so far. Abdulla’s score improved his average to 225.7 with a 2,031 total, pushing him up to second place in his division. Mustafa Qaed continued to lead with a 230.7 average and 2,076 total, while Abdulrahman Alali was third with a 224.0 average and 2,016 total.

Completing the top 12 were Mohammed Mahmoud, Abdulla Almurbati, Patrick Toney, Essa Taqi, Siddiq Siddiq, Mohammed Alansari, Tin-Tin Cruz, Shaker Daraj and Arnold Garcia. In Group C for beginning bowlers, Hisham Mohammed registered the daily high of 549 pins. It was not amongst his best three scores of the tournament though, so it had no effect on his 196.3 average and 1,767 total. He remained in first place in the division with those marks.