*** ----> Burning vehicle over BD50 dispute: Court releases man from detentio | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Burning vehicle over BD50 dispute: Court releases man from detentio

The First High Criminal Court released a man, accused of torching his friend’s father’s car over a missing BD50 dispute, from detention after a year. The First High Criminal Court released a man, accused of torching his friend’s father’s car over a missing BD50 dispute, from detention after a year.  

The court adjourned the case to 17 June 2019 pending a mental health condition report. Court records say the incidents leading to the case occurred following a missing BD50 dispute between the suspect and his friend. The issue occurred following an overnight stay by the suspect at his friend’s room on May 11 last year. According to the suspect, his friend repeatedly accused him of stealing, even though he did not know about it. The dispute soon erupted into a noisy altercation with rude remarks sending the suspect into a rage. Recalling the incident, the suspect told interrogators, “He was my friend and I stayed with him overnight in his room.” “The next day, when I woke up, found him searching for something in the room.  

“He then started questioning me about a missing BD50, which, according to him, was in the room. “I denied taking it and after that, we left the house. “However, the issue popped up again with him repeatedly accusing me of stealing it,” the defendant told prosecutors. 

The defendant confessed that he stole the vehicle and drove it to an isolated area near Salmabad, before setting it on fire using gasoline procured from a nearby fuel station. The owner came to know about the missing car only when he was told about it by others. “I woke up after getting calls from so many people asking me about my car. I went out of the house and it wasn’t there.” “I went to the police station and reported that my car was missing.” “A few hours later, my car was found completely destroyed in a fire by the Civil Defence Directorate in the Interior Ministry.  

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