*** ----> Illegal gathering: court cuts jail terms of six | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Illegal gathering: court cuts jail terms of six

The Supreme Criminal Court of Appeal reduced the jail terms of six appellants, found guilty of participating in an illegal gathering in Diraz, from five years to three years.  

The appellants were part of 29 individuals who stood trial for participating in an illegal gathering in Diraz back in 2014 and detonating a homemade bomb. The Court awarded life in prison to eight of the suspects found guilty of detonating the bomb. The court also revoked their citizenships.  

The court gave a five-year jail term to 20 others in the group. One of the suspects received a15 year imprisonment. Public Prosecution has accused 30 men in connection with the case. However, the court acquitted 30th suspect for lack of evidence. The defendants, aged between 15 and 31, were allegedly part of a group that gathered in Diraz on September 28, 2014.  

They reportedly blocked roads with debris and hurled police patrols with stones and Molotov cocktails. Eight of them were found guilty of planting and detonating the bomb that went off near a gents’ salon, completely damaging it, in addition to possessing explosives. 

 According to court files, the suspects detonated the device remotely after police arriving at the scene to clear the debris and burning tyres blocking the highway in Budaiya. The defendants were all also charged of taking part in an illegal rally to undermine security by using violence, possessing flammable and explosive objects and damaging private property. 

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