*** ----> Sudan chaos deepens | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Sudan chaos deepens

Sudan’s protest movement called yesterday for fresh rallies and rejected the military rulers’ election plan after more than 35 people were killed in what demonstrators called a “bloody massacre” by security forces.

Protest leaders called on their supporters to take part in “total civil disobedience” to topple the ruling military council following the deadly dispersal Monday of a weeks-long sit-in outside the army headquarters in Khartoum.

The Transitional Military Council ousted veteran president Omar al-Bashir in April after months of protests against his authoritarian rule and had agreed a three-year transition period to a civilian administration. But army ruler General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan announced in a televised statement the plan had been ditched and an election would take place under “regional and international supervision”.

“The military council decides on the following: canceling what was agreed on and stopping negotiating with the Alliance for Freedom and Change, and to call for general elections within a period not exceeding nine months,” Burhan said.

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