*** Early retirement registration commences | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Early retirement registration commences

Registration for the government employees who wish to avail early retirement has official commenced as of 9th June 2019 and is set to last for one month according to the General Organisation for Social Insurance (GOSI).

Applicants who register with the Early Retirement Scheme will be required to work until the 31st of August, 2019 as per the directives of GOSI.

Applicants working with the following 13 government entities are eligible for registering:

1.            Supreme Judicial Council (SJC) General Secretariat

2.            Constitutional Court’s General Secretariat

3.            Royal Charity Organisation (RCO)

4.            Isa Award for Service to Humanity

5.            Isa Cultural Centre (ICC)

6.            Bahrain Institute for Strategic, International and Energy Studies (DERASAT)

7.            National Institute of Human Rights (NIHR)

8.            National Audit Office (NAO)

9.            Council of Representatives’ General Secretariat

10.          Shura Council’s General Secretariat

11.          Bahrain Institute for Political Development (BIPD)

12.          Holy Quran Institute

13.          Rashid Equestrian and Horseracing Club


Employees who have been working for any of the above-mentioned government entities for a minimum ten years of services as per the 31st of December 2018 are eligible to apply for early retirement.