*** Four Asians face trial for illegal shrimping | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Four Asians face trial for illegal shrimping

Four Asian men will stand trial for charges related to violating the ongoing shrimping ban and using prohibited fishing methods that harm the marine environment, it was announced yesterday.

Ministries and Public Bodies Prosecution Chief Prosecutor Ahmed Al Ghatam said in a press statement issued yesterday that the Prosecution has begun investigating into a case of catching shrimp using trawls, which is an illegal fishing and shrimping method in the Kingdom, considering its dangerous effects on the marine environment.

Mr. Al Ghatam confirmed that the prosecution was notified about the incident, which involves four Asian men, by the Coast Guard Command within the Interior Ministry. He said nine ice boxes filled with 395kg of shrimp were confiscated from the suspects’ boats, in addition to illegal fishing nets and trawls.

“The Prosecution has interrogated the suspects and ordered their detention pending further investigations. “They have been accused of possessing prohibited trawls and using it in violation of the provisions of the law, in addition to violating safety conditions by not operating the ship identification device,” the Chief Prosecutor added.

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