*** Bolstering Arab-China ties | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bolstering Arab-China ties

The Kingdom participated in the 16th session of the Senior Officials Meeting of the Arab-China Cooperation Forum, held yesterday in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. The session was attended by the Director of the Arab Affairs Directorate at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Abdulaziz Al Eid.

Ambassador Al Eid asserted in his speech the keenness of the Kingdom in supporting the Arab-China Cooperation Forum, pointing out that the Kingdom hosted a number of events such as the third session of the Ministerial Meeting of the Arab-China Co-operation Forum in 2008, the Arab-Chinese media co-operation symposium in 2010 and the Chinese Arts Festival in March 2012. He also reiterated the Kingdom’s unwavering support for the Belt and Road initiative (BRI), noting that a memorandum of understanding was signed in 2018 to promote BRI between the Kingdom and the People’s Republic of China.

He expressed his pride and appreciation for the current friendly relations between the two countries, pointing out that this year marked the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

The two sides reviewed the most significant achievements made during the Eighth Ministerial Meeting of the Arab-China Co-operation Forum held in Beijing, July 10, 2018. The meeting welcomed the launch of the Bahrain Declaration and the establishment of the King Hamad Global Centre for Peaceful Coexistence” in March 2018. It also discussed the latest developments in the Arab and Chinese political arena.

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