*** 22 traffic accident fatalities in four months | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

22 traffic accident fatalities in four months

The first four months of 2019 recorded a total of 22 causalities due to traffic accidents according to statistics revealed by the Ministry of Interior in collaboration with the General Directorate of Traffic.

According to the statistics the month of March witnessed the highest number of fatalities with seven reported deaths, followed by January and February with reports of six deaths in each month, April recorded the least with three causalities.

A total of 132 drivers sustained serious injuries and 134 sustained minor injuries with January reporting 43 serious injuries and 49 minor injuries, while February recorded 31 serious injuries and 21 minor injuries, with March witnessing 25 serious injuries and 32 minor injuries and finally April with 25 serious injuries and 32 minor injuries.

Number of licensed vehicles increased by nearly 5000 in four months, from a totally of  720,770 in January to 725,589 in April.