*** ----> ICTGC develops strategic ICT planning tools for Government | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

ICTGC develops strategic ICT planning tools for Government


The National Information and Communication Technology of eGovernance Committee (ICTGC) has yesterday praised the collaborative efforts exerted by ministerial and governmental entities during 2014 in order to consolidate the ICT standards within government entities. 

The notable achievements of the programme are the infrastructural maturity, development of electronic systems and overall strategic planning which resulted in major reduction of duplicated government processes.

The most notable achievement accomplished by the committee during the past year was the development of the strategic planning tools for all ICT-related projects of governmental entities. The committee focused on developing a unified framework boasting a set of tools and modules to be rolled-out by government entities. 

Furthermore, the eGovernment Authority (eGA) had launched a systematic training programme to train and assist government entities in better understanding and utilizing the tools. 

The committee was successful in elevating the level of corporate maturity across a number of governmental entities by modernising the ICT policy and procedures.  The move was able to create a comprehensive infrastructure and system, which reduced the overall operating cost, enhanced the quality and efficiency of electronic services, and developed a more cohesive communication channel. 

The committee will focus its efforts during the current year to launch the initiative across 10 new government entities.

Bahrain’s national ICTGC was formed by a decree issued in 2011 by His Highness Shaikh Mohammed bin Mubarak Al Khalifa - Deputy Prime Minister, Chairman of SCICT. The committee is chaired by eGovernment Authority CEO Mr. Mohammed Ali Al Qaed.