*** Qatar meddling in Bahrain’s domestic affairs slammed | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Qatar meddling in Bahrain’s domestic affairs slammed

The Shura and Representatives Council issued a joint statement yesterday in which they denounced the continued failed attempts of the Qatari regime to meddle in the internal affairs of the Kingdom and disrupt Gulf relations. 

The statement strongly criticized a documentary produced by Qatari-backed Al Jazeera Channel, which featured subjective and inaccurate claims aimed at creating rift and discord within the Bahraini society.  The actions of the Qatari regime have proven to support the agenda of Iranian terrorism and hegemony ambitions across the region, the statement noted. 

The councils’ statement urged the Qatari regime to prioritize its efforts to resolve its internal affairs and deliver political and democratic reforms that fulfill the aspirations of its citizens. It highlighted that the Kingdom has achieved significant progress in this discipline, which is something that Qatar has not been able to experience as it has not witnessed political reform that maintains the rule of law and separation of powers.

  The statement added that it was important that Qatar ended its support and funding of terrorism and extremism in the region. 

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