*** ‘Tehran’s enriched uranium stockpile exceeds deal limit’ | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

‘Tehran’s enriched uranium stockpile exceeds deal limit’

Iran has followed through on its threat to breach a central limit of its nuclear deal with major powers, accumulating more enriched uranium than allowed under the accord, the International Atomic Energy Agency said yesterday.

The statement confirmed comments from Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif that Tehran had exceeded the stockpile limit of enriched uranium. But Iran’s foreign ministry spokesperson Abbas Mousavi said the uranium limit breach was “reversible” and urged Europe to accelerate efforts to salvage the nuclear deal.

“We can confirm that IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano has informed the Board of Governors that the Agency verified on 1 July that Iran’s total enriched uranium stockpile exceeded (the deal’s limit),” an IAEA spokesman said.

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