*** BRCS attends ICRC meeting in Geneva | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

BRCS attends ICRC meeting in Geneva

The Bahrain Red Crescent Society (BRCS) took part in the annual meeting of the legal advisers of the National Societies organised by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the International Federation, which was held recently at ICRC headquarters, Geneva.

The General Secretary of BRCS Dr. Fawzi Amin confirmed that society’s participation in this annual meeting was part of its efforts to represent Bahrain effectively in the ICRC meetings to achieve relief objectives for which the movement is working worldwide. Dr. Amin praised the ongoing consultation and co-operation between the Bahraini Red Crescent, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Justice through the National Committee for the Development of International Humanitarian Law, which is chaired by the Minister of Justice.

During the meeting, Dr. Amin highlighted the importance of international meetings to position Bahrain on the International Humanitarian Actions Map. “It also provides an opportunity to share ideas and expertise with Red Crescent societies around the world and co-ordinate with them to cope with relief appeals.”

He explained that this meeting is held every four years and attended by the BRCS represented by the Secretary-General as well as a representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the signatories to the Geneva Conventions, through which these agreements are updated and new agreements are presented.

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