*** Al Noor School kindergarteners move up to Grade One | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Al Noor School kindergarteners move up to Grade One

The Kindergarten Section of Al Noor International School celebrated its end of year graduation on 16th, 17th, 18th and 20th June 2019 at the school campus, where the children received their graduation diplomas on stage. The function was attended by the School Chairman Ali Hasan.

Also in attendance were Director Dr. Muhammad Mashood, Principal Ameen Mohammed Ahmed Heliwa, together with Head Teachers and Staff members, while a large crowd of delighted parents looked on. More than 800 certificates were presented to the proud Reception children to commemorate the conclusion of their first and the most important years of education. Armed with these certificates, they will move on to the first years of their sections in the school, namely British, Bahraini and CBSE.

The function included fun filled songs sung by children in both English and Arabic, expressing their happiness and gratitude, while recollecting the sweet memories of their wonderful years in Kindergarten. Many parents commented on the delight they felt at watching their young children graduate from KG and looked forward to them moving in to the world of Grade 1.