*** ----> Preparations for Kingdom’s banking sector centenary celebrations reviewed | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Preparations for Kingdom’s banking sector centenary celebrations reviewed

As part of the ongoing preparations to celebrate the centenary of the banking sector in the Kingdom, to be held under the auspices of His Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa in December, Cabinet Affairs Minister, Mohammed Al Mutawa, held a meeting, at HRH Premier’s Court, in the presence of Shaikh Hussam bin Isa Al Khalifa, and Bahrain Association of Banks (BAB) Board of Directors Chairman, Adnan Ahmed Yusif.

The meeting discussed the latest arrangements to hold the celebrations in a way that would reflect the long history of the sector in the Kingdom, and the crucial role played by HRH the Prime Minister in boosting the sector. The meeting stressed that thanks to the sound fiscal policies adopted by the government, led by HRH Premier, the banking sector has become robust and maintained its stability, thus enabling Bahrain to be a leading financial and banking hub in the region.

The Cabinet Affairs Minister stressed that over the past 100 years, the banking sector in Bahrain has presented a success story of Bahrainis’ ability to put forward an advanced and flexible banking system that paved the way for the national economy to flourish, commending the contributions of the national banking competencies in this regard. He added that the celebration would provide an opportunity to highlight the sector’s success strides over history, and to honor its national pioneers.

In this regard, he commended  Bahrain  Association of Banks’ efforts to prepare for the celebration, as well as its endeavors to develop the banking sector, increase its contributions to the national economy and enhance its ability to generate job opportunities for Bahrainis.

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