*** ----> Minister reviews progress on Ma’ameer Waterfront Development Project | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Minister reviews progress on Ma’ameer Waterfront Development Project

The Minister of Works, Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning, Essam Khalaf paid an inspection visit to check the progress on Ma’ameer Waterfront Development Project yesterday. He was accompanied by Assistant Undersecretary of Joint Municipality Services, Wael Al Mubarak, General Director of Capital Municipality, Shawqiya Homaidan and Roads, Projects and Maintenance Director, Sayed Bader Alawi.

Mr Khalaf listened to an update on the stages of the project which includes developing Ma’ameer’s waterfront, and constructing an entrance to the waterfront by paving a service road for the coast with direction signs for visitors. He instructed to work on the beauty aesthetic of Ma’ameer Coast by planting trees on the sides, floor implementation, providing seats for the coast and walkway visitors, as well as providing some recreational games for children and a number of sports activities in the space next to the waterfront.

The Works Minister stated that the Ma’ameer Waterfront Development Project is part of the Ministry of Works, Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning’s determination to create waterfront and greenery projects for the public. He added: “The ministry assures that this project extends for 720 meters, as long as the village’s front, as a recreational project, and at the same time it allows physical exercise with the walkway as well as other sports activities.”

Mr Khalaf said that the waterfront will be linked with the surrounding roads network to facilitate arrival for visitors. “Approvals for constructing the road have been accepted and work is in progress.” The minister explained that the lightning used in the walkway will be powered by solar energy, as part of the ministry’s approach to renewable energy in its current and future projects.

He also explained that the Ma’ameer Waterfront Development Project is considered an effort to achieve sustainable urban development by providing municipal projects that contribute to improving the urban environment for the area.